Did you know that our Brisbane criminal lawyers offer veteran representation as well?
As a veteran, coming back from service can bring with it different kinds of emotions. For instance, you may feel anxious from not knowing what to expect with the new change. You may also feel excited to be back home or sad to be leaving your colleagues who may have become a huge part of your life. Of all these feelings, anxiety often tends to stand out.
Unfortunately, this anxiety can be worse for a veteran that may have a work-related injury. Any injuries incurred while working should be the responsibility of the government. This means that you should be able to apply for and get the help that you need.
There are government regulations in Australia that protect servicemen and their families. These rules ensure that veterans and their families are eligible for certain benefits. The Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) oversees the distribution of these benefits and services.
You’ll need to file a claim with the DVA if you return from service with an injury. The family of a serviceman or woman who dies while in service may be entitled to payment of a benefit. In this case, the onus is on the deceased’s family to make application for the benefit. Both of these situations can be difficult to navigate, and it would be understandable if you didn’t want to go through any further undue stress.
Sometimes the DVA can deny a returning veteran’s requests for benefits. It goes without saying that this denial can have significant effects on their lives. This is why the best criminal lawyers in Brisbane offer their services to help veterans with their claims. And using the best criminal lawyers in Brisbane can improve the veterans’ chances of a positive result.
It is important to know that there are strict criteria for determining if a veteran is eligible for a claim. The DVA handles all benefits applications for returning veterans. But some of these returning servicemen may not know how to present their matter to the DVA.
This is where the best criminal lawyers in Brisbane can help them. Let’s break down the benefits of their services below.
Identifying the appropriate claim to make
There are several different claims that a returning veteran can make to the DVA. The best criminal lawyer in Brisbane will be able to make a keen assessment of the veteran’s case. This will help them to identify the specific claims for them.
Failing to meet the criteria that are set for each claim is enough reason for the DVA to decline an application. The best criminal lawyers in Brisbane will help you to submit your claim in the best way possible.
The best criminal lawyer in Brisbane will also help you to understand what you’re eligible for. This is especially important if you are eligible for more than one category of compensation. Imagine that you suffer an injury while on duty. This may leave you dependent on some kind of treatment or therapy for the rest of your life, or you may be unable to obtain gainful employment.
This may mean you’ll have increased healthcare needs and you may not be able to meet your basic needs for lack of an income. An example of the claims that you can make to the DVA includes the claim for an injury sustained while in service. You can also file a claim for loss of capability to work or application for income service.
The best criminal lawyer in Brisbane will help you find out the claims for which you meet all the criteria. This will improve your chances of getting the compensation needed.
Saving time
Applying for the wrong claims or claims whose criteria for eligibility you don’t meet will likely end in refusal. At this point, you can decide whether you want to appeal this decision. Going through the whole process of submitting another claim can be draining. Worse still, you may need to repeat the whole process more than once.
With the best criminal lawyer in Brisbane, this may not be the case. This is because the best criminal lawyer in Brisbane will help you get it right the first time. Here at Howden Saggers, we have a veteran consultant to advise you on the best course of action. You can trust that we’ll take care of your best interest from the word go.
Our veteran issues consultant has the knowledge that you need to get the job done the first time.
Peace of mind
Returning from service isn’t always easy. More so if you consider the work that you’ll need to put in to rejoin society. For some veterans, it can be difficult to go back to life before the navy, army or airforce. And this situation can be worse if you’re coming back with a life-changing injury.
In such cases, the last thing that you’d want is to have to go back and forth filing appeals. This is yet another reason why it’s important to have the best criminal lawyer in Brisbane in your corner.
The best criminal lawyer in Brisbane will help you go through the process of filing for your claims. Having someone that you can trust to look out for your interests will help you focus on other aspects of your life. And this is what our team of Brisbane criminal lawyers recognize.
At Howden Saggers, we know that it can be difficult to come back from service with injuries. Also, as the family of a deceased veteran, we understand that this time can be even harder for you. This is why we offer our best criminal lawyers in Brisbane to help you file for your or your loved one’s benefits.
We are also among the preferred law firms for legal help on the Legal Aid Veterans Affairs Panel. So, we encourage you to reach out to us on all veteran matters. Our team of criminal lawyers in Brisbane will help you get the best outcomes from your appeal.